My Romblon Adventure | Part 2 – Nature Tripping

We Arrived in Romblon at around 4AM… Click Here How We Got There (Part 1)! :p
It was now Technically day 2 of our 4-days Vacation.
It was already 6AM… After Drinking Some Coffee to pump some energy into our bodies… We headed out to our First destination in our Itinerary… The River! (I don’t know the name of it…) :p So we walked going there… It was just a 2 minute walk, but we have to walk for a few more minutes to get to the part where we can sit and enjoy the clean water and the raging current…
The water was just few inches above my ankle but was very dragging… I MEAN REALLY DRAGGING! The current was really strong, just standing along its path was a task. When you fall on the water, you’ll get dragged along the rocky bottom of the river… Having said that, although the current and the rocks was unforgiving, It was a Lot of Fun! Sitting on a log, and letting the current massage your whole body… Very Relaxing… There’s even a PVC pipe that pours fresh water from the Mountain… It was clean and Drinkable :p However, during the afternoon, there’s gonna be some quarrying operation on some parts of the river so the water flowing along the river will get a bit muddy… :p
After that refreshing dip… We were told that our next destination was the nearby “Mini Falls” So we walked going to the falls, passing through Rice fields and Rocky Terrains… Another Adventure! It was my first time to go to a falls! :p It was very exciting…
After about a 15 minute Trek… we reached our destination…
After some time, we were told that we have to go back home to have breakfast! So we headed home, Again, passing though different land formations along the way… :p
Our First Breakfast in Romblon!
Boneless Dilis (Yes! There is such a thing), Eggs, Bread, Coffee, and Rice! Wow that was Good!
After that Wonderful meal, we have some time to take a shower and to rest for a bit. But Time passes by so fast if you are having so much fun… And It was almost time for Lunch! While Mommy (Marlon’s Mom) was preparing lunch… We found some time to do some Videoke using the Magic Sing.
FYI: In their house, there was NO TV Signal, you have to buy a dream satellite TV to get a decent reception, NO SIGNAL (All networks), NO FM RADIO, and NO PHONE LINE which equates to NO INTERNET! we were really isolated and one with nature! :p The Magic Sing was one of the few means of entertainment when we were at home aside from Eating and Playing Cards :p
Soon after… It was lunch time!
After Lunch and Some Videoke Rest, we are fetched by 2 habal-habal and we were off to our next destinations for the Afternoon.
The nearby Cave, unfortunately there were people in the bigger opening, we were not able to get inside the cave itself…. :p
Next Stop… The “Big Falls”
It was a 30-minute habal-habal ride going to the big falls. The falls was used to be a tourist destination of the town, however due to flooding, the roads going to the falls were washed off making it for motor vehicles, even motorcycles to pass through and go to the falls. Because of this we were not able to go near the falls using the motorcycle, so we need to trek again to get to the falls itself… another 15 minute walk on rough and rocky road, passing some parts of the river.
When we got there, our efforts were all worth it! The falls was beautiful, however, we did not swim because, the rocks were very slippery and the water was so deep. It was very dangerous especially that the nearest hospital was about 7-10 kilometers away :p
There was also a viewing balcony for tourists which, unfortunately was now desolated…
I also should mention that the place was a bit eerie…
It was almost 4PM and it will start to get dark soon, so we left the falls and headed back home.
Sabi nga nila sa mga pinoy horror movies… “Umuwi na kayo bago dumilim!!!”
Unfortunately, Before Heading home, we have passed by the town because one of the motorcycle that we were riding (Not ours luckily) got some engine trouble that needs to be fixed. So while waiting we stopped by the local bakery and had a quick snack…
At last, the motorcycle was finally fixed. However, when the 3 passengers got on… It got a flat tire… So we waited again… for the tire to be repaired. We stopped by the road in front of a chapel and waited there until the bikes were ready… Some Luck We Got There! :p
Finally after almost an hour of waiting, the bike was finally fixed and we were able to head home.
We got home at around 6PM… It was almost time for Dinner… So while waiting for the dinner, we, again had some time to shower, get changed, and belt it out on the Magic Sing!
After a while, it was already dinner time! What’s for Dinner? Hmm…
It was my first time to Eat Goats Meat… (The First time that I am actually aware of it… :p)
Also, It was the First time that I tried Tuba!
After That Meal… Owee Prepared something to drink… GranmaPineapple! :p
It was a Looonngg… Loonnngg… Day and we were so tired! So we decided to call off the night and get some good night sleep… Which probably was our first real sleep in a couple of days!
Next in our Itinerary… The Beach.. Which was actually located in another town…
We Need to get up early the Next Day…
Next… Day 3 – Off to The Beach… But… T_T
By: Dennis Christian Angulo
the life i will always treasure is the life like this one 'away' from intrigues tensions gossips ka-plastikan social grandstandings envies jealousy away from those non sense-unecessary human social conflicts lol! these places really loooking so healthy green & serene beside being beautiful good luck thank you for the green photos